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Showing posts from September, 2024

But did you document it?

If you didn't document it, you didn't do it. All the safety management, inspections, leadership, administration, purchases, inventory, training, certifications, etc. will not be worth a hill of beans unless you have documentation that it was done.   Checklists are my favorite. I read somewhere that even brain surgeons use checklists. I can just picture them going down the list, getting to the check box next to "count sponges" and discovering that they are one short. Nurse! Open up the skull again.  I regularly watched my colleagues conduct behavior observations for front line workers at a recycling plant. One by one on one, every month, they reviewed, in detail, the worker's ppe, posture, hydration, and general safety concerns for the day. It was cordial and brief and powerful and it ended with both their signatures on the form. The message to the employee was clear. His supervisor was watching and responsible for his safety equipment and performance. The supervis